Category: Australia

Adelaide – Australia

Written on 2.2.2017 in Australia

Když do hotelu dorazíte v noci, objednáte si room service, oni se o patnáct minut zpozdí a dostanete vše zdarma plus skleničku vína k tomu, vítejte v australské...

Perth (Australia)

Written on 22.11.2016 in Australia

Když si biddujete o Perth, protože chcete letět za rodinkou a dostanete ho dvakrát, paráda! Navíc v Austrošce teď začíná být teplo! Oni to tam maj jinak. Při první návštěvě sedmého listopadu ještě trochu foukalo, takže na pláž jsme tentokrát nešli. Potkali jsme se se seruš v Perthu, respektive moje nejhodnější seruš s...

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One two three… bungee!

Written on 4.11.2016 in Australia

I think these don’t need any comments 🙂 As my mommy commented „Těžko říct, po kom to to dítě má“. Yea, right, mom 🙂   I decided, just like that. It’s once in a lifetime, right.                  

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Auckland (New Zealand)

Written on 28.10.2016 in Australia

I’ve always wanted to see New Zealand. Being able to spend almost 3 days there was just amazing and I got extremely lucky. Even though the flight is long, it was really wonderful and the crew was great! We arrived on Saturday around noon and we already made plans for Sunday, but I still didn’t want to...

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Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) & Melbourne (Australia)

Written on 27.5.2016 in Asia

  I know I’m bad at posting on time. I’m still at least one article behind. I’ve been to KL and Melbourne like a month ago! But living here keeps me busy all the time so I don’t have as much time for writing as I wish I had. Too many things happening. Plus I...

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